Wednesday, May 30, 2007

medeski, martin and wood

assholes on the website said the show would start 30 minutes after they actually started, and i showed up even later than that. so i paid $20 (what's up with paying for shows?) for probably two whole songs. don't get me wrong, those two songs were on point. one of the raddest things about seeing bands in this venue is the beautiful scenery. it's in a botanical garden, so you walk by paths and trellises filled with all kinds of botanical items. the natural amphitheater is one i've been going to since i was born. i have seen mmw about three times before that, and i have almost all of their (proper and collab) albums. this was the most straight-ahead jazzy i'd heard them. chris wood was clearly the star of the evening, both from my own observation (solos, rockin amidst others taking the lead) and from hearing "oh man, that bassist was awesome!). john medeski was playing on a beat up wooden grand piano.

here is a snippet i found on youtube:

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